
Join the Community

Volunteering in the Worcester community is one of the best ways to get involved with Tasks for Transit. If you would like to volunteer for Tasks for Transit, email us at contact@tasksfortransit.org and let us know.

Become a Partner Charity

Tasks for Transit is looking for additional partner charities. If your charities is in daily or weekly contact with the economically disadvantaged and does not provide transportation for the clients it serves, then your organization may be a candidate to be a Tasks for Transit partner charity. To apply, simply fill out our two minute survey and answer a few key questions. We will be in touch with you shortly.

Support Tasks for Transit

Volunteer with Tasks for Transit. We are always looking for smart and motivated team members. Not sure that you are ready for that commitment? Consider making a donation to Tasks for Transit. Your 501(c)(3) tax deductible donation helps to purchase WRTA bus tickets for those who could benefit most from receiving them.

Support Tasks for Transit

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