TFT’s Ambitious Goals for 2018

January 2018: TFT's goal in 2017 was to double the number of single-day bus passes that it dispensed in 2016. As noted above, TFT met that goal. At the December 2017 meeting of the Tasks for Transit board of directors, we voted to challenge ourselves to meet an even more ambitious goal for 2018, to more than triple the 1690 single-day bus passes we dispensed in 2017.


TFT's Ambitious Goals for 2018

TFT’s goal in 2017 was to double the number of single-day bus passes that it dispensed in 2016. As noted above, TFT met that goal. At the December 2017 meeting of the Tasks for Transit board of directors, we voted to challenge ourselves to meet an even more ambitious goal for 2018, to more than triple the 1690 single-day bus passes we dispensed in 2017. Our new goal is to provide 5640 single-day bus passes in 2018! Measured in the context of 2017, that is a three-and-a-third-fold increase! 
In 2017 we were able to raise over $9,350. Our goal for 2018 is to raise the TFT annual budget to $31,200, a corresponding three-and-a-third-fold increase. We are currently evaluating how we will accomplish this challenging goal. We expect to continue to expand our network of partner charities at the rate of one per quarter, finishing 2018 with 25.
Initially we will continue at the rate of ten passes per month per charity, sort of business as usual, accounting for 2820 of the planned 5640 bus day-passes to be dispensed in 2018. That rate of activity will account for half of our 2018 goal; the other half, 2820 bus day-passes, will most likely dispensed through a second TFT program, still in its formative stages. We will have more to say about it in our February newsletter. So stay tuned!

Stats from March 2015 through January 2018

Partner Charities
Bus Passes Dispensed

More to explore

Eight Perspectives on Homelessness in Worcester

1Q 2020: According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) a person is homeless if they are staying/sleeping in a shelter or in a place not fit for human habitation (i.e., there are sheltered homeless and there are unsheltered homeless).

Tasks for Transit Accomplishments for 2019

4Q 2019: TFT’s plan for 2019 was to continue its steady growth by adding four Partner Charities to its network. As has been done for the previous two years, one more was added during each quarter of 2019. TFT ended 2019 with 30 Partner Charities.

The Status of the Fare Free WRTA Idea

3Q 2019: In April 2019, the Greater Worcester Research Bureau published a report analyzing the possibility of the WRTA running a “fare free” bus system. Other cities, e.g., Portland, Oregon, are doing this or have done it in the past. Clearly, a fare-free WRTA would be a great benefit for those living in poverty.

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